
A visit to Marmalade Yarns

This morning I had to go to the dentist. It was a small filling but the subsequent effect of the anaesthetic has been interesting! As I type this 2 hours afterwards, my nose and lips are all numb! Apparently anaesthetic can travel, and it clearly has, as my filling was in my back tooth. I look fine but I can drink anything at present 😉

To cheer myself up afterwards I went to my local LYS Marmalade Yarns to pick up a 3mm hook I need for the Scheepjes CAL. While I was there I thought I’d take some photos to introduce you to this small but perfect shop!


A board advertising forthcoming classes:


Walk of yarns – yum!


An interior of the shop with the Noro display on the right. My favourite section!


More interior:


Shopping line of hand painted sock wool, machine knitted for you to knit from:


And one of the co-owners, Catriona, in her Ysolda Teague Ishbel shawl and Lauriel cardigan!


If you’re ever in Frome, do pop in, it’s a lovely shop run by lovely people. 😃

13 thoughts on “A visit to Marmalade Yarns

      1. That would be fun! You might want to actually have it be a vacation in Boston with a couple of days here – there is much more to do in Boston. Here we have scenery and not much else. lol.


  1. I envy you your LYS. As for anaesthetics mine travelled last weekend to the point where the whole left side of my face did not do what it ought and I lost my ability to blink … Dentist said he must have got too close to the other nerve! It wore off eventually 😕


  2. I can see why you can’t keep out of this shop!
    I’ll be interested in what you learn from an intermediate class that you don’t already know. Or is this just an excuse to buy more yarn?


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