Crochet · Family & friends

An owl blanket for a little girl

My stepson phoned D tonight and told him that our new grandchild, due in early June, will be a little girl! I know our daughter in law, already the mother of a soon to be four year old son was hoping it might be a girl, although she would of course have been happy with a boy too. We’ve known about the new baby for a while and are delighted; I am now especially delighted as I have loads of patterns for baby girl things from when my niece was younger!

Since we found out I’ve been thinking about making a crochet blanket but as I knew they were intending to find out the sex of the baby at the 20 week scan I’d been holding off committing to something in particular until we knew.

I found this pattern for a blanket called Owl Obsession by The Hat and I a few weeks back and as our daughter in law adores all things owl related, I had decided to make this and bought the pattern. Please click through on the link,the pattern is adorable!

Anyway, yesterday, I cracked after I received a Deramores discount email and I ordered enough Rico Essential cotton yarn to make the blanket… I am not counting this as breaking the yarn buying ban as a) I have a very good reason for buying it and b) I have no cotton in my stash. I didn’t buy it just because and that’s the habit I’m trying to break. Plus, if I’m honest, I think I deserve a treat after knitting with the Sundae yarn. It feels lovely knitted up but it’s a sod to knit with!

I thought I’d gone for a good mix of colours so it wouldn’t matter what sex the baby was. But then my order arrived (the next day, brilliant service) and I think I probably have a better set of colours for a girl than a boy! Which is good!


I am so utterly delighted with this yarn I want to buy every single colour in the range and have it sitting on a shelf where I can admire it. I’m not going to start the blanket just yet as I have a couple of things I want to finish, and, I’ve just realised, a Socks with Knitting Sarah KAL to start TODAY! So as there is only 94 minutes left of today and I want to cast my socks on, I shall leave you with a totally gratuitous photo of my lovely new yarn with my Noro cushions as a back drop.


19 thoughts on “An owl blanket for a little girl

    1. It is lovely. Makes me feel terribly old though! D is 14 years older than me and at 41 I’m not quite old enough to be either parents mother, which is nice, but then I have a four year old grandson. Because calling him a step grandson sounds odd… It all works itself out! Anyhow, Mollie wants to know how Old Dog is (and are we allowed to know his name?!).


      1. Your quite right step grandson does sound a little strange,Old Dog is in great form, we are about to set of for our daily constitutional (when I’ve my cup of tea) his name is Harvey, he was a little concerned about the paparazzi invading his privacy when I started this blog, so out of respect I nicknamed him. Now he’s realised the internet didn’t crash & burn when his image appeared he’s rather thrilled that a Lady Dog is enquiring about his health!!! he sends Mollie a rather coy “Good Morning me dear” which is a little forward in my eyes, I had best take him for a walk before he get’s ideas above his station, congratulations once more on the good news 🙂


      2. Mollie doesn’t think it’s forward. She *likes* Rotties…. She sends a hello back to Harvey. 😉 One thing I have noticed about Molls is that if we meet a nice Labrador or spaniel on our walks she is NOT interested but if she sees a Rottie or a Staffy, preferably one with a tough looking bloke on the other end of the lead, she’s very keen to talk… However her social media platform is twitter. She has a couple of thousand followers at @mollie_the_lab 😄😄😄😄


  1. Oh what a gorgeous blanket and I LOVE those yarns. Oh and you so lucked out on the colour mix – definitely more ‘girly’ 🙂

    Congratulations to your step-son and DIL (and you, D and Mollie of course). Nothing like the prospect of a new baby to cuddle in a few months, to lift the mood.


    1. It is lovely, though I am definitely a ‘your baby is crying/ smelling, can you take it back’ kinda gal. Though I like admiring them… And the knitting possibilities in terms of little cardies! I’ve already mentally re planned my knitting for the year!


  2. That yarn looks positively delicious! And congratulations on the new little one! Knitting and crocheting for baby girls is so much fun!


  3. I’ve had that blanket pinned for ages! So jealous you have a baby girl to make it for!!!
    All the mothers-to-be I know are holding out for a surprise. Which is great for them. Not so good for a wanna be organised crocheter!


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