Baking · Crochet · Knitting · Other crafty things

Inspiration from fellow bloggers

Since I’ve had my blog I’ve been finding reading the blogs of fellow bloggers really inspiring. People from all round the world who are fitting knitting, crocheting, gardening (yes, that’s you Landrover Owner’s Missis) and all other types of crafting into their daily lives around ordinary events, through trials & tribulations.

It’s been really inspiring getting a glimpse of people’s lives through their crafting, and I’ve been introduced to new yarn (thank goodness for google), tempted to try different techniques, and envied the talent or patience of several bloggers. I’ve even considered buying some seeds to grow my own lettuce – that however wore off after a couple of hours.

And then there are the designers whose blogs I started out reading – I continue to be green with envy that they are talented enough to do it for a living!

Thank you!


6 thoughts on “Inspiration from fellow bloggers

  1. It is inspiring, isn’t it? Last time I had planted lettuce or other consumables, the ‘coons got ’em. Good luck with that. πŸ™‚


      1. Lol, start small – a little later in the summer, see if you can get yourself a chilli plant from the garden centre (they should be nice and big by then if they have any left) – sit it on the kitchen windowsill and then tell everyone who comes to yours for a curry that you grew the chillis yourself πŸ™‚


      2. Bizarrely the only thing I can grow is orchids – on top of my tumble dryer. And they flourish mostly by me ignoring them & then occasionally giving them some water. And no, they aren’t potted properly or standing on stones! They just grow, they’re leggy & bonkers πŸ˜„


  2. I feel exactly the same way! I seem to have an ongoing list of potential projects that I never get to, because as soon as I finish something, I see something so gorgeous on someone’s blog, that I simply must give it a try. Oh, and Mollie looks as gorgeous as ever πŸ˜€


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